What Would We Miss? is a collaborative project between Education for the 21st Century, teachers (Maja Keskinov, Dušica Biševac, and Zorana Matićević), and students from Belgrade. It presents, through an exhibition, the life stories of twelve citizens of Jewish origin in Serbia who survived the Holocaust and later made significant contributions to the art, science, and culture of Serbia and the former Yugoslavia.

Opening of the exhibition "What Would We Miss" at the Faculty of Philosophy, September 9, 2022, Belgrade.
Through archival research and personal survivor testimonies, students explored how these individuals influenced society and culture after surviving the Holocaust in Belgrade.
The exhibition focuses on their work and contributions, highlighting the cultural, social, and historical legacy they left on Serbian society. It serves as a reminder of what the world would have lost had they not survived, and how they overcame the hardships of World War II.
This project not only deepened students’ understanding of the Holocaust and its historical context but also encouraged reflection on human rights, the dangers of discrimination, and the importance of promoting tolerance. Supported by TOLI – The Olga Lengyel Institute, the project allowed students to learn about the lives and achievements of survivors who continue to inspire both locally and globally.
The exhibition was part of the Ministry of Education's project Education about Serbia's Cultural Heritage in September 2022 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Additionally, in November 2024, the exhibition will be displayed at the Memorial Center, Staro Sajmište.The exhibition was also presented on April 23, 2023, at the Jewish Cultural Center.
In 2024, the project was awarded third prize by the Center for Professional Development in Education in the competition "From Seminar to Practice."
Project was supported by TOLI.