

Monument(al) Challenges, collaboratively implemented with the Contested Histories Initiative and funded by the European Union, aims to respond to some of the challenges educators across Europe face in teaching history. Specifically, we strive to address teachers’ requirements for resources and training materials that equip them with the skills to discuss sensitive and complex histories, including colonialism and slavery, in their classrooms.


The Onsite Remembrance learning Toolkit was created in 2023, thanks to the creativity and dedication of teachers who participated in our contest, "Sites of Memory as an Inspiration for Democratic Learning." A total of 21 lesson or project activity plans were accepted and published under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia.


Publikacija preporuka Unapređenje ljudskih prava razgradnjom stereotipa  nastala je tokom 2016. godine u okviru projekta koji se realizovao u saradnji sa brojnim instiucijama  (MPNTR; Ministarstvo kulture, ZUOV, REM), međunarodnim orgnizacijama (OEBS, Savet Evrope, Euroklio GIZ), medijskim udruženjima(Savet za štampu NUNS)  i nevladinim organizacijama.



This teachers’ guide has been written as part of the EuroClio Erasmus+ funded project ‘Learning to Disagree’ in which Education for the 21. Century  was a partner organization.


The policy recommendations were prepared by the Georg Eckert Institute for international Textbook Research
(GEI) as a partner in the Learning to Disagree project coordinated by EUROCLIO and funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union



Priručnik Učionica sećanja na otvorenom nastao je tokom 2023. godine zahvaljujući kreativnosti i posvećenosti nastavnika koji su učestvovali na našem konkursu "Mesta sećanja kao podsticaj za demokratsko učenje". Prihavaćene su 21 priprema za čas/projektnu aktivnost, koje su štampane pod pokroviteljstvom Ministrarstva prosvete Republike Srbije.